Primetime Villain Roberta is feeling her best self. Recently separated, she lives with her daughter, revelling in her newfound freedom. However this fleeting happiness ends when she discovers that someone has turned he...
Abah and His Band Abá is a young prince in conflict with his musical dreams and his responsibilities. After a disagreement with his father, he escapes for a presentation at the Spring Festival with his friends and d...
A Mother’s Embrace In February 1996, during one of the biggest storms to hit Rio de Janeiro, Ana and her team of firefighters must evacuate a nursing home at risk of collapsing — but they soon find the mysterious resi...
Aïcha Aya, in her late twenties, still lives with her parents in southern Tunisia and feels trapped in a life without prospects. One day, the minivan in which she commutes daily to her work, crashes. As th...
Not Tomorrow Yet Janaína is an eighteen-year-old girl who lives with her mother and grandmother in a housing complex on the outskirts of Recife. She is the first person in her family to obtain university entrance, bu...
Silent Alarm Every year 288 thousand people attempt suicide in Brazil. The film documents the creative process of actors preparing a play about the re-encounter of a girl who has attempted suicide with her friends...
Soul of the Desert After losing her documents in a fire provoked by intolerant neighbours, Georgina, a trans Wayúu woman, decides to fight for the recognition of her true identity. With her documents corrected by the C...
Black Brazilian Soul An ample immersion in the Afro-Brazilian universe through Soul music, from the emergence of the genre in the late 1960s and its popularity in the music industry, to its peak with the famous black ball...
Amal An idealistic and passionate literature teacher in a suburban Brussels school becomes the target of intense hostility from students and colleagues tied to Islamic extremism when she chooses to help a ...
Amarela On the last day of the 1998 World Cup, a Japanese-Brazilian teenager who rejects his family's traditions suffers an apparently invisible violence and is submerged in a painful sea of feelings. Officia...
Loveable Aged 40, Maria works very hard to care for her four children and cope with her professional demands, while her second husband, Sigmund, travels incessantly for work. When their marriage threatens to f...
Andrea Gets a Divorce Andrea, a policewoman, has decided to move on from her unhappy marriage by transferring to a higher position in a bigger city. As she drives home after a birthday party, she runs over and kills her no...