
Aluminum is present in our lives in several forms and products: deodorants, sunscreens, vaccines and even tap water. But what do we really know of the evils brought about by this element? Based on the book Dirty Little Secret – The Aluminum Files, this documentary questions commonsense statements, especially by the cosmetics industry, and makes a well-researched case for how this metal is linked to the spread in Alzheimer’s, breast cancer and certain food allergies. Interviews with toxicologists point to a hushed-up problem.

Bert Ehgartner

Born in Vienna, Austria, in 1962. He studied Political Science and Journalism. He is a freelance journalist since 1987 and has contributed to the likes of Profil and Süddeutsche Zeitung. He was an editor at Austrian magazine Die Ganze Woche. He is the author of Dirty Little Secret (2012) and Lob der Krankeheit (2008). He has directed several TV documentaries over the past decade, such as Allergies – When Environment Becomes an Enemy (1999).


Edição 2024