Published in 10/08/2023

The Brazilian / American documentary “Somos Guardiões” (We Are Guardians), directed by Edivan Guajajara, Chelsea Greene and Rob Grobman,  screens again on Friday at 13.30 at Kinoplex Sāo Luiz 4, and on Saturday at 16.00 at Estaçāo NET Gavea 1. Sunday’s screening was presented by the directors. 

“We Are Guardians” follows the guardian of the indigenous forest, Marçal Guajajara, and the activist, Puyr Tembé, fighting to protect their territories from deforestation, as well as an illegal logger who has no choice but to cut the forest down to feed his family, and a large landowner at the mercy of the people who invade his land. The film links politics, history, economics, science and consciousness, providing an in-depth vision of a complex and critical situation whose origins and impact spread much further than just the limits of the Amazon itself.
