Published in 10/10/2024

There is a busy programme for Talents Rio Preservation across Thursday at the Armazem da Utopia with a number of panels looking at how digital is posing immense challenges for the field of audiovisual preservation. 

The panels will discuss how can we ensure that the films produced in recent decades, digital natives, can survive to tell their story and the story of our time. 

The ephemerality of digital challenges us to think together about preservation as a shared mission. How can directors, producers and technicians establish practices in their work processes with the preservation of these sounds and images in mind? How can safeguarding institutions and the field of preservation professionals provide structure and technical support for the film community? How can we mitigate the threat of losing the production of recent decades, which has seen an unprecedented change in Brazilian cinema with the explosion of production by women, indigenous filmmakers, blacks and the LGBTQIAPN+ community? How can festivals contribute to the process of preserving our country's audiovisual memories?

Much to discuss.


Edição 2024