Published in 09/30/2013

The internationally fast rising Italian star, actress Jasmine Trinca, introduced Honey (Miele)at the Estação Rio 2  on Sunday and can also be seen during the festival in There Will Come a Day (Un Giorno devi andare), which is set in the Amazon, which she introduces on Momnday evening.

There Will Come a Day (Un Giorno devi andare) screens Monday at Estação Rio 2 at 14.45 and 21.30, while Honey (Miele) will have extra festival screenings at Estação Vivo Gavea on Wednesday (2 October) at 15.40 and 22.20.

Trinca comes to Rio on the back of filming Pierre Morel's thriller The Gunman in which she stars opposite Idris Elba, Javier Bardem, Sean Penn and Ray Winstone. The film is scheduled for a 2014 release.


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