Introducing a New Generation Mostra Geraçāo (Generation Programme) is a traditional section within the Rio festival programme for children and teenagers
Mostra Geraçāo (Generation Programme) is a traditional section within the Rio festival programme for children and teenagers to present films they have produced and watch other films appropriate to their interests. Workshops are offered in the Cinema Circulation cultural spaces and in the Federal Justice Cultural Centre - CCJF, in the city centre.
On Saturday (7 October) there was an important get together with teachers and others in education to discuss all aspects of audiovisual for a new generation. This year also sees a Slam Battle, a Cosplay Competition, a film club with audio description at the Benjamin Constant Institute, and a presence in the RioMarket.
Other activities offered by the Generation Programme will occupy cultural spaces across Rio that are part of the Cinema Circulation exhibition, which takes films to different neighbourhoods in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The programme is free of charge.