Published in 10/04/2015

The Centro Cultural da Justiça Federal was the location for an illuminating debate on the film Seashore, a feature-length fiction film that débuted at the Berlin festival this year. The work details a weekend in the lives of friends Martin and Tomaz: their experiences and personal discoveries. The technical team were present to give behind-the-scenes insights into the film-making process.

Sergio Mota, professor of Social Communications at one of Rio’s main universities (PUC-Rio), led the debate, which discussed a wide range of themes including coming-of-age narratives, notions of gender diversity and sexual discovery and the issues facing today’s young generation. Directors Felipe Matzembacher and Marcio Reolon stressed the importance of the both the inter-diegetic relationships between characters – principally between the protagonists and their families – as well as the extra-diegetic relationships between the directors themselves and the characters they envisioned. Marcio Reolon stated that they felt it crucial they make the movie while they were of a similar age to their young heroes, in order to depict a sincere and empathic portrait.

The film’s soundtrack – which evoked the sounds of the sea as symbolic of nostalgia– as well as the filming process – rehearsed and recorded in chronological order – also came under discussion.

Read a full account of the debate in Portuguese here.

Photos: Carolina la Cerda
