Published in 09/28/2013

Directors Antonio Piazza and Fabio Grassadonia introduce the Italian-French co-production Salvo on Saturday at Estação Botafogo 1 at 19.00.Salvo won the Critics' Week Grand Prize in Cannes earlier this year.

The film tells the story of Salvo, a professional hit man for the Sicilian mafia. He is a lonely, cold and ruthless man. When he breaks into a home in order to carry out an execution, he meets Rita, a blind girl who helplessly hears the murder of her own brother. Salvo tries to close her disturbing eyes, which, though glued to him, cannot see him. But then something strange happens: Rita sees for the first time. Salvo then decides to let her live. Now, haunted by the worlds they belong to, they are linked forever. 


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