
Tiyya is a student born to an aristocratic Nigerian family. When she returns home for the winter holidays, she hopes that the young man she met at her university in France will make her and her family a formal marriage proposal. He also comes from a prestigious family, not far from her sultanate. So there's no way her parents will reject the proposal. While sharing her secret Parisian romance with friends, she has the opportunity to discover in her surroundings how the relationship between men and women in Sahel society is. Toronto 2016.

Rahmatou Keïta

Rahmatou Keïta

Nasceu no Níger. Depois de estudar filosofia e linguística em Paris, começou sua carreira na França como jornalista de canais de televisão europeus. Desde 1993 trabalha como roteirista e diretora. Em sua filmografia destacam-se o longa documental Al’lèèssi… (exibido no Festival de Cannes 2004) e o curta-metragem The Golden Ring (2014).

  • Zin'naariya!
  • Zin'naariya!
  • Zin'naariya!
  • Zin'naariya!
  • Zin'naariya!