After losing her daughter, Rita goes back to the African country where she spent her childhood to investigate a mystery about her past: the truth about the death of Yvonne Kane, an ex-guerilla and political activist. In this country, where progress is constructed above the ruins of a violent past, Rita meets her old mother, Sara, a tough and solitary woman who has lived there for many years. While Sara lives the last days of her life looking for meaning to her past actions, Rita goes deeper into a territory marked by the scars of history and overshadowed by ghosts of the war.
Margarida Cardoso
Nasceu em 1963 em Portugal. Trabalhou como continuísta em diversos filmes antes de estrear como diretora em 1996 com o curta Dois dragões. Entre seus filmes como diretora, destaca-se A costa dos murmúrios, exibido no Festival de Veneza 2004, e Era preciso fazer as coisas, exibido no Festival Doclisboa 2007.