
Nessa and Blaise often refuel their old lawn mower with gasoline stolen from parked cars. Their gardening enterprise isn’t flourishing, but it is the couple's only source of income. They live on the street, are part of a methadone-dependent program and still suffer with drug withdrawal symptoms. The State-sponsored therapeutic care helps, but keeps them on a short leash. Are they stronger together or will Nessa have to give up this hard life and leave the one that seems to keep her down? Screened at the Berlinale Forum section, 2017.

Ashley McKenzie

Nasceu em 1984 em Sydney, no Canadá. Estudou inglês, cinema e se especializou em direção pela Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative. É diretora dos curtas Rhonda’s Party (2010), When You Sleep (2012), Stray (2013) e 4 Quarters (2105). Este é seu longa-metragem de estreia.

  • Werewolf
  • Werewolf
  • Werewolf
  • Werewolf