
Bruno and his family leave their home in Chile for a three-month visit to France. Bruno’s cousin Martín is left in charge of the house and cat. The cat goes missing, which leads Martín to meet Pachi. A romance begins, albeit one based on false pretenses: Martín claims the house is his, and that he’s a father and divorcé. Martín invents a whole new life—but what happens when real life comes back from holiday? Adapted from his own story by author Alejandro Zambra. Sundance and Rotterdam 2017.

Alicia Scherson, Cristian Jimenez

Nasceram no Chile. Alicia Scherson, depois de se formar em biologia, estudou cinema na Escola de Cinema de Cuba e na Universidade de Illinois, em Chicago. Dirigiu Play (2005), Tourists (2009) e Il Futuro (prêmio KNF em Roterdã 2013). Christian Jimenez é sociologo e cineasta. Dirigiu Ilusões óticas (San Sebastián 2009), Bonsái (mostra Um Certo Olhar de Cannes 2011) e A voz em off (Toronto 2014).


Edição 2024