In the 1980s, Anna travels from Canada to Italy to fulfill her mother’s last wish: to spread her ashes in her hometown, Puglia. Once she is there, Anna meets Immacolata, her mother's old friend, who tells her of the time her father, Gauke, traveled between Holland and Italy on a bicycle, introduced the Dutch irrigation practice in the city, opened a business selling tulips and fought bandits with kung fu moves. Immacolata makes even more sinister revelations, which will shake Anna's world, making her settle scores with the past. Toronto, 2017.

Mike van Diem
Nasceu em 1959, em Sittard, na Holanda. Estudou direção na Academia de Cinema da Holanda. Dirigiu o longa-metragem Caráter (1997), exibido na Semana da Crítica do Festival de Cannes e vencedor do Oscar de melhor filme estrangeiro. Entre seus filmes, estão ainda Alaska (1989) e De surprise (2015), exibido no Festival de Chicago.