Inspired by Deborah Willis’ book Reflections in Black, director Thomas Allen Harris investigates how the legacy of African-American photographers has played an important role in shaping the identity and helped social emerging of blacks in American territory, from slavery until today. This documentary features the works of photographers such as Hank Willis Thomas, Deborah Willis and Glenn Ligon, artists who challenge the patterns of representation of black culture in America, demonstrating through their works the redemptive powers of art. Official Selection at Sundance Film Festival 2014.

Thomas Allen Harris
Nasceu em Nova York e se formou pela Universidade de Harvard. Começou sua carreira como produtor de TV antes de fundar sua própria empresa, a Chimpanzee Productions. Em 1995, dirigiu seu primeiro longa, o documentário Vintage – Families of Value, seguido de That’s My Face, vencedor do prêmio do júri no Festival de Berlim 2001. Em 2005, lançou o biográfico Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela, indicado ao Independent Spirit Award.