Brutal, sick, perverse, dark! One of the seminal films of horror is back, restored and celebrating 40 years. Tobe Hooper’s classic, founder of the slasher genre, continues to shock audiences around the world. Sally, her paraplegic brother and a few other friends cross through inland Texas in search of an old family home. They just weren’t expecting to meet a strange clan of cannibals, led by the insane Leatherface, one of the scariest ever horror movie icons As defined by the director himself, ‘a film about people that eat meat’.

Tobe Hooper
Nasceu em 1943 em Austin, Texas. Estudou rádio, cinema e TV na Universidade do Texas. Ficou conhecido com seu segundo longa, O massacre da serra elétrica (1974), que se tornou um clássico do cinema de horror. Continuaria a trabalhar com o gênero em filmes como Pague para entrar, reze para sair (1981), Poltergeist – o fenômeno (1982) e Trilogia do terror (1993), projeto de John Carpenter. Em 2011, escreveu o romance Midnight Movies.