Somewhere in Germany, a radical "army of lovers" is preparing for its final revolution. Women are arguing, militating, menstruating, battling for the patriarchy’s downfall, learning about asexual reproduction and, of course, having sex. Suddenly, a young and lost male soldier seeks refuge in this sort of feminist convent. His arrival raises a crucial question among the resident: is it possible to have equality in a corrupt system? The new Bruce LaBruce film (Hustler White, The Raspberry Reich) about an Utopian world without men. Festivals of Berlin and Toronto, 2017.

Bruce LaBruce
Nasceu em 1964, no Canadá. É cineasta e artista visual, tendo exibido suas obras em numerosas exposições internacionais. Em sua filmografia destacam-se Super 8½ (Toronto 1994), Hustler White (Berlim e Toronto 1996), O reich framboesa (Berlim e Sundance 2004), Otto; or, Up with Dead People (Sundance e Berlim 2008), L.A. Zombie (2010), Gerontophilia (Veneza e Toronto 2013), Pierrot Lunaire (prêmio o júri do Teddy em Berlim 2014).