Cousins Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus revolutionized Hollywood, producing more than 300 films and making Cannon Films the most powerful production company in the world. The film portrays the complex relationship between two opposite personalities, which was both the engine of their success, and reason for their downfall. Adored or despised, the impact and cultural heritage of Cannon is undeniable. With films starring Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean-Claude Van Damme, they created a popular culture that influenced filmmakers like Eli Roth and Quentin Tarantino. Cannes 2014

Hilla Medalia

Hilla Medalia

Diretora e produtora, está à frente da kNow Productions, com sede em Nova York e Tel Aviv. Explorou as relações entre judeus e palestinos nos documentários To Die in Jerusalem (2007), indicado a três prêmios Emmy, e Dancing in Jaffa (2013), exibido no Festival de Tribeca. Em 2014, codirigiu, ao lado de Shosh Shlam, o documentário Web Junkie, selecionado para a competição do Sundance Film Festival.


Edição 2024