Twenty-five years after environmental collapse made Earth uninhabitable, Mother, Father, and Son live in a palatial bunker, clinging to daily rituals for hope and normalcy. Their routine is disrupted by the arrival of a stranger, Girl. Son, who has never seen the outside world, is intrigued by her, causing the family's fragile optimism to unravel. As tensions rise and hidden resentments surface, their seemingly perfect existence begins to fall apart. Yet, confronting these truths opens the possibility for acceptance, love, and change.
Joshua Oppenheimer
Two-time Oscar nominee Joshua Oppenheimer has seamlessly moved between fiction and documentary. His early fiction shorts won top honors at major film festivals. His debut feature, The Act of Killing (2014 Oscar Nominee), was named Film of the Year by the Guardian and Sight and Sound, and won 72 international awards. His follow-up, The Look of Silence (2016 Oscar Nominee), premiered at Venice, winning five awards, including the Grand Jury Prize.