
In Indonesia, the 1965 military coup led to a paramilitary army being elevated to the status of a death squad. In less than a year, over a million people were executed. Decades later, the members of these squads continue wealthy and powerful. The director invites them to retell their side of the story. Their vanity leads them to agree not only agree to recount their brutal murders, but also to reenact them for the cameras, inspired by the American b films they adulate.. With Werner Herzog and Errol Morris as executive producers, the film took ten years to be finalized. Berlin 2013.

Joshua Oppenheimer
Joshua Oppenheimer

Joshua Oppenheimer

Born in 1974, in the US. He has attended both Harvard University and Central St. Martins, in London. He has directed several shorts and medium-length films, such as These Places We’ve Learned to Call Home (1997) and The Entire History of the Louisiana Purchase (1998). He has also directed the documentary The Globalization Tapes (2003), in collaboration with Christine Cynn.


Edição 2024