
Maria recently started working at a slaughterhouse where she is responsible for quality control. At lunch in the canteen, the girl always chooses an isolated table where she eats silently. She takes her job seriously and strictly follows the rules. Her boss Endre is a little older than her and he is also the silent type. Gradually they begin to know each other, recognizing a spiritual kinship, and are impressed as they discover that they have the same dreams at night. Carefully, they try to make them come true. Winner of the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival 2017.

Ildikó Enyedi

Ildikó Enyedi

Nasceu em 1955, em Budapeste. É membro fundadora da European Cross Media Academy e da European Film Academy. Em sua filmografia destacam-se My Twentieth Century (vencedor da Câmera de Ouro no Festival de Cannes 1989), Magic Hunter (festivais de Veneza 1994 e Toronto 1995), Simon, the Magician (Menção especial no Festival de Locarno 1999) e Elsö szerelem (Grande Prêmio do Júri para Curta no Festival de Miami 2008).


Edição 2024