
Alex is 16 years old and lives with his grandmother. So that the next Summer is just as he planned, he needs to do three things: write new music for his rock band, find a job and have his first sexual experience. While he considers his future, he realises that his grandmother is increasingly in need of his help. With the arrival of the Summer it seems certain that things will change and Alex will have to learn to say goodbye. A simple homage to the time of doubts, friendship, stolen cigarettes and the discovery of certain feelings.

Samuel Kishi Leopo

Nasceu em 1984 no México, e se formou em audiovisual pela Universidade de Guadalajara. Dirigiu os curtas Memoria viva (2006), Luces negras (2009), Acerca del drama de los calcetines (2010) e Mari Pepa (2011), exibidos em festivais como Clermont-Ferrand e na Semana da Crítica em Cannes. Este é seu primeiro longa-metragem como diretor.


Edição 2024