Lucas, 13, is dependent on a wheelchair after suffering an accident. Laís, 12, helps her mother in the breakfast tent at a truck stop in the small town where they live. The girl would love to meet her father, a trucker who left town when she was a child and never came back. Lais and Lucas become friends at school, and when she discovers her father's possible whereabouts, the two leave on a trip.

Mauro D'Addio
Diretor e roteirista, estudou cinema na FAAP. Em 2016, ele lançou o curta-metragem juvenil Kunumi: The Native Thunder, selecionado para o Prix Jeunesse e ganhou o prêmio de melhor documentário no Divercine. Em sua obra, destacam-se os curtas-metragens Saia santa (2003) e Distúrbio (2005).