
In 1904, after the genocide in Namibia, the German army collected skulls from the corpses scattered throughout the country and took them to Germany to make’ scientific racial profiles. More than a hundred years later, the Herero people, descendant of the smallest tribe in Namibia, struggle to bring back the remains of their ancestors, waging a David and Goliath battle. The story of a grassroots community facing the powerful wrath of the German bureaucracy in the name of its history, even if it that means fighting against all odds. IDFA, 2016.

Vincent Moloi

Vincent Moloi

Nasceu na África do Sul. Para a TV, dirigiu series como Hillside (2006), Society (2007), The Lab (2006) e A Country Imagined (2010). É diretor do curta Hidden Life (2011), exibido no Festival de Clermont-Ferrant, e dos longas African Metropolis (Festival de Locarno 2013), A Pair of Boots and a Bicycle (2007) e Berea (festivais de Toronto e Roterdã 2013).


Edição 2024