
Sergio Bustamante, a 83-year-old singer with a 50-something-year long career. Initiator of psychedelia in Brazil and a rock icon, he fought for freedom in the public eye, came out as Serguei and left in search of a place in the sun. His unconventional concerts for a middle-class guy from Rio, in cabarets and nightclubs in Rio de Janeiro’s historic downtown, made history through mockery, boldness, novelty and originality. Several generations grew up with, were inspired by and followed the trajectory of a Brazilian living legend, a unique artist who had the courage to live and be what he is.

Ching Lee, Zahy Tata Pur’gte

Pseudônimos de André Lobato e Elida Braz, casal de cineastas que há 23 anos trabalham com teatro, música, dança e audiovisual a bordo de um motorhome. São diretores de filmes como Experiência Colorado (2106), Wyra Uhaw Tenetehara - Ritual sagrado Tembe (2017), sobre o povo indígena Tembe na Amazônia, e No rastro do croco (2016), documentário que mergulha no mundo das festas de aparelhagem em Belém do Pará.


Edição 2024