
Cuba, 1983. Santa is a 30-year-old peasant working on a state farm. Nearby lives Andres, a 50-year-old homosexual writer who, according to the government, suffers from "ideological problems". Whenever there is a political event in the region, ordinary citizens are assigned the task of monitoring suspects and prevent any type of opposition to the regime. This time Santa will be the one following Andres’s routine, over the course of three days prior to the event. Gradually these two seemingly opposing figures will discover that more things bring them together than set them apart. Toronto, 2016.

Carlos Lechuga
Carlos Lechuga

Carlos Lechuga

Nasceu em Havana. Estudou direção no Instituto Superior de Arte de Cuba e roteiro na Escola Internacional de Cinema e TV de San Antonio de Los Baños. Dirigiu os curtas Cuca y el pollo (2006), F for favor (2008), Los Bañistas (2010) e Planeta Cerquillo (2011). Estreou na direção de longas em 2012 com Melaza, exibidos nos festivais de Havana, Roterdã e Miami. Este é seu segundo longa.


Edição 2024