
In a distant future, the teenageer Patema lives in a industrial complex made up of underground tunnels. One day while she is exploring the outskirts of her city Patema stumbles into a pit and begins to fall....upwards. She arrives at the surface where she is caught by a tree and rescued by Age. Patema discovers that in this strange place, gravity works in an opposite way and that the people on the surface are forbidden to look up towards the sky. Age and Patema embark on an adventure to uncover the secrets behind the rules of their opposite worlds.

Yasuhiro Yoshiura

Nasceu em 1980 no Japão. Diretor e roteirista de filmes de animação e fundador da produtora Studio Rikka, estudou no Instituto de Design de Kyushu. Dirigiu os curtas Aquatic Language em 2002 e Pale Cocoon em 2006. Dirigiu ainda as séries de animação Time of Eve (2008), que ganhou uma versão homônima em longa-metragem em 2010, e Kimi No Iro Machi (2012).


Edição 2024