
Marise Farias, filmmaker Roberto Farias' daughter, reveals an intimate portrait of her father's passion for cinema, from his infancy to his political, economic and cultural defence of Brazilian films. The stories are told by the filmmaker himself and by friends like Luiz Carlos Barreto, Cacá Diegues and Marluce Dias. Reginaldo Faria interprets the texts of Roberto's written memoirs which were found after his death.

Marise Farias

Marise Farias

Director Roberto Farias' youngest daughter, Marise is an editor and director. Her childhood was spent on the sets of her father's and uncles' production company, R. F. Farias. She began making shorts in Super-8 when she was a teenager. Marise worked at TV Globo as director's assistant, made documentaries for Canal Brasil, directed three short films and develops projects of preservation of her father's memory, like restoration of films.

  • Roberto Farias, Memórias de um Cineasta
  • Roberto Farias, Memórias de um Cineasta
  • Roberto Farias, Memórias de um Cineasta
  • Roberto Farias, Memórias de um Cineasta
  • Roberto Farias, Memórias de um Cineasta
  • Roberto Farias, Memórias de um Cineasta