For almost 50 years, Edgar Froese was the brilliant mind behind the Tangerine Dream, one of the most seminal German electronic music bands. Formed by young Berliners, they were one of the first bands to use only synthetizers in their records, and ventured into sonorities that would change the face of popular music forever. Filled with unseen archive footage, the documentary features testimonials from the band's collaborators, including Jean-Michael Jarre, Michael Mann and Paul Brickman, in a tribute to Froese, who died in 2015. Berlin 2017.

Margarete Kreuzer
Nasceu em Enniger, Alemanha, em 1964. Estudou alemão, jornalismo e psicologia em Berlim e dramaturgia na Universidade de Cinema Babelsberg Konrad Wolf. Dirigiu e escreveu diversos documentários e reportagens para a televisão. Esta é sua estreia na direção de um longa-metragem.