
Danny is a middle-aged man who, after getting a divorce, receives an inheritance and gets rich. His deep unhappiness provides perhaps the perfect opportunity for reflecting on the relationship between money and happiness. In a burst of energy, he signs up at his local gym, where he befriends Trevor, the owner of the gym and a self-help guru, and Kat, an irresistible personal trainer. Before long, the neuroses of these three characters make their lives profoundly interconnected. By the director of Computer Chess (2012). Shown at the Sundance Film Festival 2015.

Andrew Bujalski

Andrew Bujalski

Nasceu em 1978, em Boston. Estreou como diretor com Funny Ha Ha (2002), vencedor do prêmio revelação do Independent Spirit Award. Dirigiu ainda Mutual Appreciation (2005), melhor roteiro no Festival de Newport; e Beeswax (2009), selecionado para o Festival de Berlim. Seus três primeiros filmes figuraram na lista dos melhores do ano do The New York Times. Seu quarto longa, Computer Chess (2012), foi exibido em festivais como Sundance e Berlim.

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