
An intimate investigation into one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. Passionate and , Susan Sontag became one of the most important literary, political and feminist icons of her generation. The film follows key moments of her life, through archive footage, accounts from friends, family, colleagues and lovers, as well as her own words, read by actress Patricia Clarkson. From her early infatuation with books to her first experience in a gay bar; from her first wedding to her last partner, the films is a fascinating look at an extraordinary woman.

Nancy Kates

Nancy Kates

Cineasta baseada em São Francisco, na Califórnia, graduou-se em cinema documentário pela Universidade de Stanford. Seu projeto final, Their Own Vietnam (1995), ganhou o prêmio de melhor documentário no Oscar para estudantes. Estreou em longas com Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustinwith (2003), sobre o líder do movimento pelos direitos LGBT, selecionado para o Sundance Film Festival. Este é seu segundo longa.


Edição 2024