
What happens when the community you need is not the community you have? In the mid-1980s, two 20-year-old punks, Bruce LaBruce and GB Jones, created a movement known as Homocore, later known as Queercore. Unhappy with the Gay Rights Movement’s conformist thrust and the aggressiveness of punk, they decided to create their own revolution from their bedrooms. The radical gay farce spread to film, music, zines, performance and activism, and became a rebellious international underground movement.

Yony Leyser

Nasceu em 1984. Estudou literatura, cinema e artes dramáticas. Seus trabalhos lidam com temas como raça, identidade de gênero e cultura pop. Dirigiu os longas William S. Burroughs: A Man Within (2010), exibido nos festivais de Seattle e Tessalônica, e Desire Will Set You Free (2015), selecionado para a competição do Festival de Guadalajara.


Edição 2024