
During a meeting with his bank’s manager, a taxi driver discovers that the fee needed for him get a loan has doubled. He wants to preserve his honesty, but sees no way out of his situation. Desperate, he shoots the manager and then himself, triggering a major national debate on how despair has taken hold of society. Meanwhile, five other taxi drivers and their respective passengers, move through the night in the hope of finding a clearer path. A roadmovie about despotic contemporary Bulgaria. 2017 Cannes’ Un Certain Regard section.

Stephan Komandarev

Stephan Komandarev

Nasceu em Sófia, na Bulgária, em 1966. Graduou-se em direção de cinema e TV na Nova Universidade Búlgara. É diretor de filmes como Pansion za kucheta (Berlim 2000), Hlyab nad ogradata (premiado no Festival de Leipzik 2002), The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner (Karlovy Vary 2008) e The Judgment (2014), vencedor do Golden Rose nas categorias melhor filme e melhor ator.

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