
Duszeiko, a retired civil engineer, lives in an isolated mountain village near the border of Poland and the Czech Republic. One day one of her dogs disappears. Shortly thereafter, she finds her neighbor's corpse next to deer footprints. The deaths in the region continue, all equally mysterious and with victims with similar profiles: pillars of the community and passionate hunters. Were they killed by wild animals or are they victims of a bloody revenge? Silver Bear for best director in Berlin, 2017.

Agnieszka Holland

Agnieszka Holland

Nasceu na Polônia, em 1948, e estudou cinema em Praga. Foi colaboradora de Krzysztof Kieslowski no roteiro de sua trilogia das cores. Dirigiu filmes como Goraczka (Dzieje jednego pocisku) (Berlim 1981), O jardim secreto (1993), Eclipse de uma paixão (1995), Voltando para casa (Veneza e Toronto 2002), O segredo de Beethoven (Prêmio CEC em San Sebastián 2006) e Na escuridão (2011), indicado ao Oscar de melhor filme estrangeiro 2011.


Edição 2024