
​Three women with very different views on life and love go on a trip together, leaving an urban setting to one in which crude nature prevails. Eva, a mature and pragmatic woman, invites the free spirited and uncompromised Melina and Keithylennye, a young former Tecno Brega dancer, to join her on the journey. On the way, events individually experienced by them reveal the uncertainties and the different meanings of the trip for each of them.​

Jorane Castro
Jorane Castro
Jorane Castro

Jorane Castro

​Writer and director from Pará, she graduated in film from Paris 8 University and in screenplay development by EICTV in Cuba. She made more than 20 films, including documentaries and fiction, screened in the Directors' Fortnight in Cannes, Marrakech and Gramado Festivals, among others. Selected filmography:Invisible Daily Pleasures (short, 2004) Quando a chuva chegar (short, 2008), Lugares do afeto (2008), and Ribeirinhos do asfalto (short, 2011).​

  • Para ter onde ir
  • Para ter onde ir
  • Para ter onde ir
  • Para ter onde ir
  • Para ter onde ir
  • Para ter onde ir
  • Para ter onde ir
  • Para ter onde ir
  • Para ter onde ir
  • Para ter onde ir
  • Para ter onde ir