
​At a desk, behind a cup of tea, sits Bernard Maris, Charlie Hebdo’s editor and professor of economics at the University of Paris. Gleefully, he scorns the entire neoliberal repertoire, criticizes traditional economics and its attempts to pose as science, and points out the numerous inconsistencies of the economic system in place. Filmed in 2000, long before the crisis that shook the world’s economy and the terrorist attack that killed him in that same spot, this prophetic documentary is a rare picture of one of the most influential French figures of his time. Rotterdam, 2016.​

Richard Brouillette

​1970, Canada. He started his career as a film critic. Filmography: “Carpe diem” (segment of Un film de cinéastes, 1995), Too Much is Enough (short, 1995), Encirclement - Neo-Liberalism Ensnares Democracy (special jury mention and people’s choice for best film at the 2008 IndieLisboa; shown at the Berlin Film Festival and BAFICI), St-Henri, the 26th of August (2011), and Prends garde à la douceur des choses (short, 2014).​


Edição 2024