
Hugo and David were born at opposite ends of the oil trade. Both grew up seeking solutions to the pollution of the Ecuadorian Amazon by the petrochemical industry. It is threatening the survival of the Cofan tribe, which Hugo is part of. As a child he was sent to Seattle by his parents, to be educated "as a white man" in order to be the future leader of the tribe. David falls in love with the region when still a child, graduates in law and creates a company to be able to promote fair trade petrol. Together they attempt to find viable solutions to protect the environment and its people.

Laurel Spellman Smith, Francine Strickwerda

Laurel cresceu em Los Angeles e estudou cinema e antropologia cultural na Evergreen State College. Como produtora, ganhou dois Emmy, por The News Hour with Jim Lehrer e por Faith & Fear: The Children of Krishna (2001). Francine formou-se em jornalismo pela Universidade Estadual de Washington e começou sua carreira como repórter. Elas codirigiram Busting Out (2004), exibido pelo canal Showtime.

  • Oil & Water
  • Oil & Water
  • Oil & Water
  • Oil & Water


Edição 2024