
The mood is heated in Paris, where demonstrations take the streets. It is not different in front of the Hotel Occidental, where an Italian named Giorgio is booking the bridal suite for him and his boyfriend Antonio. Hotel manager Diana doesn’t trust them and calls the police. In the charged atmosphere of the hotel, little is needed for suspicions to be aroused. While street battles rage outside, everyone inside attempts to turn things to their own advantage. This leads to absurd dialogues, mad conclusions and an explosive showdown. Selected to the Forum sidebar at the Berlin 2017.

Neïl Beloufa

Neïl Beloufa

Nascido em 1985, em Paris, estudou arte e cinema em diversas instituições, dentre elas o Le Fresnoy. Kempinski, seu primeiro filme, foi eleito melhor curta no Indielisboa 2007. Dirigiu ainda curtas como Brune Renault (2010), Real Estate (2012) e Party Island (2012). Estreou em longas com Tonight and the People (2013), exibido no Festival de Roterdã.


Edição 2024