When Sebastian meets Andreas, he is certain that the two were made for each other. Roaming the streets and parks of Stockholm, stealing beer or dancing Tango on a terrace, the attraction between the two is magnetic. But whilst Sebastian challenges the notions of gender and and dispenses with convention by being androgynous, Andreas is unable to accept his attraction for another man. In an identity crisis Sebastian is determined to become "Ellie" even if it means being distant from Andreas. Rotterdam Festival 2014.

Ester Martin Bergsmark
Nasceu em 1982 na Suécia e estudou na University College of Arts Crafts and Design. Com Mark Hammarberg dirigiu Maggie in Wonderland (2008), que recebeu o prêmio como melhor documentário europeu no Doc Alliance 2009. Seus outros filmes são Fruitcake (2010) e She Male Snails (2012), ganhador do prêmio do público e menção honrosa para melhor filme nórdico no Festival Internacional de Gotemburgo.