A mix of fictional tale and environmental documentary. This film is the story of Maher, aged 12, and sister Marokh, children of Karin, a poor pearl fisherman. Karin is very ill and needs to go to Tehran for a heart surgery. Maher is desperate and tries to get the money in several ways. At first, he digs for turtle eggs he can sell, disregarding the local notion that these animals bring good fortune and must not be pestered. Finally, he decides to dive after pearls himself, a very dangerous activity.
Sirous Hassanpour
Born in 1962 and graduated at the Islamic Film-making Training Center. He started out his career as an actor. He directed shorts and debuted as a feature-length director with The Childhood Train (2001). He went on to direct The Liar Shepherd (2006) and Kobra’s Decision (2007).