The life and works of John Millius who, even at the height of his career, was always a strange body in Hollywood. He is known for his screenplays to classics such as Apocalypse Now and for directing action flicks like Conan, The Barbarian and Red Dawn. His days in the Army were instrumental to the construction of his militarized, xenophobic filmography. To his radical beliefs, he also added controversial behavior. Featuring interviews with Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Francis Ford Coppola, Harrison Ford, Oliver Stone, Charlie Sheen, among others. SXSW 2013.

Joey Figueroa, Zak Knutson
Joey Figueroa, Zak Knutson

Joey Figueroa, Zak Knutson

Knutson and Figueroa, longtime friends, make their debut in features after a winning career, through Chop Suey Entertainment, in content development and making of documentaries for large Hollywood companies such as Disney, Sony, Miramax and The Weinstein Company. Before that, Knutson worked at View Askew, Kevin Smith’s production company.

Edição 2024