
In 1962, shortly after Fidel Castro's Revolution in Cuba, Sérgio, a 38-year-old middle-class man, saw his wife and friends flee the island and communism. He didn’t want to leave, not because he was a revolutionary, but out of curiosity of what was going to happen. As the regime advances, he wanders through the streets of Havana and watches his fellow countrymen. A masterpiece by master Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, the film is considered to be one of the most important works of Latin American cinema and the main Cuban cinema record of its socialist revolution. Screening of a restored copy.

Tomás Gutiérrez Alea

Nasceu em Havana, em 1928, e é o mais importante realizador cubano do século XX. Estudou direito em Cuba e cinema em Roma. É diretor de filmes como Historias de la revolución (1960), A morte de um burocrata (1966), A última ceia (1976), Morango e chocolate (prêmio especial do júri e Teddy em Berlim 1994, melhor filme em Gramado e menção honrosa em Sundance) e Guantanamera (premiado em Gramado e Sundance 1996). Morreu em Havana em 1996.


Edição 2024