The fisherman Jacobo and the young Delio embark on a dangerous trip along the Pacific coast transporting drugs. Hidden under the waves, the two tow a narcos-submarine full of millions of dollars worth of cocaine directly from Colombia. Together they must face the open sea and areas that have been devastated by trafficking and guerrillas. Jacobo is already an experienced trafficker, while the young Delio is not prepared for the harsh reality around him, and tension between the two becomes inevitable. Executive produced by Spike Lee, and won Best Debut Director award at Tribeca 2014 .

Josef Wladyka
De origem japonesa e polonesa, estudou cinema na Tisch School of the Arts. Iniciou sua carreira dirigindo comerciais e desenvolvendo roteiros. Seus primeiros curtas, The Rebel (2006), Huey (2008) e Klaudia (2009), chamaram a atenção de seu professor, o diretor Spike Lee, que lhe concedeu a Spike Lee Award Fellowship, bolsa que lhe forneceu fundos de pesquisa e orientação para a produção de Maãos sujas.