Claudia, a lonely young woman ends up in hospital with a severe case of appendicitis. There, she meets Martha, the woman with the HIV virus who shares her room with. Martha, who lives alone with her four children, gains Claudia's trust. When she gets out of the hospital, she spontaneously offers Claudia to go home with them. For the first time in her life she experiences a sense of belonging. As Martha's health weakens every day the bond Claudia has with each member of the family grows stronger. Winner of the FIPRESCI Discovery award at the Toronto Festival 2014.

Claudia Sainte-Luce
Nasceu em 1982 em Veracruz, no México, e formou-se em artes plásticas na Universidade de Guadalajara. Trabalhou como assistente de direção em diversos filmes e séries de TV mexicanas. É diretora dos curtas Muerte anunciada (2005) e El milagrito de San Jacinto (2007), e corroteirista de Inercia (2013), de Isabel Muñoz. Peixes insólitos é seu primeiro longa-metragem.