• Los ausentes

In the south of Mexico, a poor man in his mid-seventies lives alone in a house near the beach. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the deed for this property and another man claims it’s his. The old man attends a hearing to resolve the conflict, but nothing gets fixed and he starts losing his mind with memories of his past. When he ends up losing his property and his house gets demolished, he embarks on a journey to the mountains in search for people he knew long ago. Even though he ends up finding some of his acquaintances, no one takes him in and the poor man keeps wandering. Locarno 2014.

Nicolás Pereda

Nasceu em 1982 no México. É mestre em direção para cinema pela York University, no Canadá. Entre seus filmes, destacam-se ¿Dónde están sus historias? (2007), Perpetuum Mobile (2009), Verano de Goliat (2010), vencedor do prêmio da mostra Horizontes no Festival de Veneza, Los mejores temas (2012), selecionado para a competição do Festival de Locarno, El palacio (2013) e Matar estraños (2013).

  • Los ausentes


Edição 2024