
Exorcism is still a reality. Every year, more and more people claim that their illnesses are caused by demonic possession. The Catholic Church reacts to this crisis by nominating priests as exorcists in increasing numbers. In Rome and Milan alone, the number of exorcists has doubled, and the church has set up an emergency call center. Father Cataldo is one of the most sought-after exorcists in Sicily. Every Tuesday, many believers follow his mass of liberation, searching for a cure for an illness whitout a label or a remedy. Best film at the Horizons sidebar in Venice 2017.

Federica Di Giacomo

Federica Di Giacomo

Nasceu em La Spezia, Itália. Formou-se em antropologia na Universidade de Florença e é mestre em documentário criativo pela Universidade Pompeu Fabra, em Barcelona. É diretora dos filmes Los colores de la trance (2000), Close Up (2001), Suicidio perfetto (2003), Il lato grottesco della vita (2006) e Housing (Festival de Locarno e HotDocs 2009).


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