
In 2005, Mimi Madamour, the young pop idol, lives through a cursed and fiery romance with queer punk icon Billie Kohler. Between love, hatred, and torn desires for the spotlight, their pursuit of glory and their passion for each other lead them down a path of self-destruction. They are the symbol of an entire generation, a duo that draws crowds, they are the Queens of Drama.

Alexis Langlois

Alexis Langlois

French filmmaker who gained notoriety filming their friends, their demons and their rebellions in a series of short films. Among their films are Terror, Sisters! (2019) and The Demons of Dorothy (2021), which won the Silver Leopard at Locarno and circulated in more than a hundred festivals around the world. Queens of Drama is their first feature film.

  • Les Reines du Drame
  • Les Reines du Drame


Saturday, 05/10 23:59* Estação NET Botafogo 1
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Monday, 07/10 16:15 Cinesystem Praia de Botafogo 5
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Wednesday, 09/10 14:00 Estação NET Rio 3
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* Introduction by the guest(s) and/or Q&A
** Free session