
In 1975, director Claude Lanzmann (helmer of Shoah) conducted a series of interviews with Benjamin Murmelstein, the last president of the Theresienstadt ghetto’s Jewish council. The alleged model-city handed to the Jews by Hitler proved to be, in practice, a concentration camp. Considered to be the last “Jewish deacon” (according to nazi terminology) to survive the II World War, Murmelstein fought for seven years against nazi Adolf Eichmann. He managed to evacuate 121 thousand Jews from the country, avoid thus their extermination in the ghettos. Cannes Film Festival 2013.

Claude Lanzmann

Claude Lanzmann

Born in 1925, in Paris. He is the current editor-in-chief of Les Temps Modernes magazine, founded by Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. His most important work is the documentary Shoah (1985), an oral history of the Holocaust. Result of over 10 years of research, is considered to be the most important film ever made about the subject, winner of numerous awards both related and non-related to cinema. In 2013, he was awarded an honorary Golden Bear at Berlin.


Edição 2024