
In the last days of the Vietnam war, the United States only had a small team of diplomats and military agents still in the country. The inevitable communist victory meant the Americans had to deal with the possible imprisonment and even execution of many of their South Vietnamese allies. The official evacuation took far longer than necessary, thanks to the exaggerated optimism of the US ambassador. Fighting against time and under the eye of the nearby enemy, members of the US army carried out unauthorized operations in a desperate attempt to save Southern Vietnamese lives. Sundance 2014

Rory Kennedy

Nasceu em 1968 em Washinton D.C e é filho do senador Robert F. Kennedy. É cofundador e presidente do Moxie Firecracker Films, e seu trabalho como documentarista tem sido exibido em redes americanas como a HBO, A&E, MTV, Lifetime e PBS. Dirigiu e produziu mais de 25 filmes, incluindo Ghosts of Abu Ghraib (vencedor do Emmy de melhor documentário em 2007); American Hollow (1999), A Boy’s Life (2004) e Pandemic: Facing AIDS (2003).


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