
The Mediterranean summer: blue sea, blazing sun… and 250 kg of gold stolen by Rhino and his gang! They had found the perfect hideout: an abandoned and remote hamlet now taken over by a woman artist in search for inspiration. Unfortunately surprise guests and two cops compromise their plan: the heavenly place where wild happenings and orgies used to take place turns into a gruesome battlefield. A relentless and mindblowing film, with scenes of extreme violence. Shown at Toronto and Locarno 2017.

Hélène Cattet, Bruno Forzani

Hélène Cattet nasceu em Paris e Bruno Forzani nasceu em Menton, França. Casados, vêm dirigindo filmes juntos desde o início dos anos 2000. Dirigiam curtas como Chambre jaune (2002), La fin de notre amour (2004), Santos Palace (2006), e um episódio de O ABC da morte (2012). Estrearam em longas com Amer (2009), seguido de L'étrange couleur des larmes de ton corps (2013), exibido na competição do Festival de Locarno.


Edição 2024