
At Disperata, a small town in Southern Italy, the melancholy mayor Filippo Pisanelli feels terribly unfit for his role. Only a love of poetry and his passion for the literature lessons he gives to prison inmates admit a chink of light into his state of depression. In jail he meets Pati, a small-time criminal from his own town. Pati and his brother Angiolino were dreaming of becoming the mafia bosses of Capo di Leuca, but the encounter with literature changes everything and an unusual friendship between the three men will lead them to make courageous choices. Venice Film Festival 2017.

Edoardo Winspeare

Nasceu em 1965 em Klagenfurt, na Áustria. Em 1996 recebeu o prêmio de melhor novo diretor no Festival de San Sebastian, por Pizzicata. Voltou ao festival em 2000 com Sangue vivo. Por Il miracolo (2003), recebeu o Prêmio da Cidade de Roma no Festival de Veneza. Dirigiu ainda Galantuomini (2008), La festa che prende fuoco (2009), Sotto il Celio Azzurro (2009), L'anima attesa (2013) e In grazia di Dio (2014), exibido no Festival de Berlim.


Edição 2024